Database of companies registered in Malta Malta

Database of companies registered in Malta is a part of the HitHorizons database containing data on 80M+ entities (Companies, Organizations and Proprietorships) registered in Europe.

Database of companies registered in Malta

According to our database (as of February 2024), there are 75,000+ entities (companies, organizations and proprietorships) registered in Malta. 56,000+ of them are Corporations, followed by 16,000+ Unknown Types. This data is part of the HitHorizons database containing 80M+ entities registered in Europe.

Basic Information

Number of Companies 75,000
Registration data (Company Name, Address, Establishment of Ownership, Identification Numbers)
National ID classification Regn.No

Company Type

Corporation 75%
Not available 22%
Partnership 2%
Others - Proprietorship, Cooperative, Government Body, Joint Venture 1%


Industry and SIC Codes


Company Sales (in EUR, USD and Local Currency)
Local Currency EUR

Number of Employees

Number of Employees

Here is how you can access all of our data

HitHorizons API

HitHorizons API

Integrate company data such as registration information, sales and number of employees to your CRM - all in one language, one format, updated automatically.

HitHorizons Screener

HitHorizons Screener

A B2B lead generation and market research tool that filters through millions of companies. Use 18 filtering criteria and various sorting options. See data online or export it in CSV.


“Your tool helps our sales team identify new leads very easily. Last year 70% of our revenues came from clients that we identified through HitHorizons. We hope that more and more companies will start using your platform.”

Nikolas Miklenčič
Sales Manager
Lumturi, Slovakia

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