Database of companies registered in Norway Norway

According to our database (as of August 2024), there are 1.9M+ entities (companies, organisations and proprietorships) registered in Norway. 436,000+ of them are Proprietorships, followed by 404,000+ Corporations.

Database of companies registered in Norway
This data is included in the HitHorizons database covering 80M+ companies from 50 countries (including the whole of Europe)

Key facts about Norway

Total Sales
€ 1.12T
Of All Sales in Database
Total Employees
Of All Employees in Database

Our database has this data on Norway

Basic Information

Number of Companies 1M
Registration data (Company Name, Address, Establishment of Ownership, Identification Numbers)
National ID classification Orgnr

Company Type

Not available 44%
Proprietorship 23%
Corporation 23%
Others - Non Profit Organization, Cooperative, Partnership Of Unknown Type, Local Government Body, Government Body 10%


Industry and SIC Codes
Local Activity classification SN 2007


Company Sales (in EUR, USD and Local Currency)
Local Currency NOK

Number of Employees

Number of Employees


Contact finder

Here is how you can access all of our data

HitHorizons API

HitHorizons API

100+ data points on 80M+ companies registered in Norway and 49 other countries (including the whole of Europe) in any software. Add company data to your CRM with Sales & Marketing Data API, find new relevant leads using Screener API, and keep invoicing details up-to-date with Invoicing Data API.

HitHorizons Screener

HitHorizons Screener

Our lead generation and market research tool filters through the whole database and helps users find relevant data on companies registered in Norway or in any of the 49 countries covered by HitHorizons. Simply pick filtering and sorting criteria relevant to you and download lists of companies in CSV for further processing in any software.

“We use HitHorizons to get complex information at one place about our existing and potential business partners all over Europe.”

Marian Machalec
Smart Logistics, Slovakia

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