HitHorizons Insights
Reports, articles, and market overviews based on data on 80M+ companies registered in Europe.

Germany: TOP 10 Transport Companies with Highest Sales
Language: English
According to our database (as of October 2022) out of 5.3M companies registered in Germany more than 27,000 operate in the goods transportation industry. In this overview, we take a look at the 10 largest of these companies.

European Analysis: E-Commerce is Back to Its Pre-Pandemic Course
Language: English
We looked at e-commerce businesses in the EU 27, the UK, Norway, and Switzerland.

Germany: TOP 10 E-Commerce Companies with Highest Sales
Language: English
Germany is the second largest e-commerce market in Europe. Otto Group is a clear leader with five subsidiaries in the Top 10 list.

Database of Companies in the UK: Top Industries and Biggest Players
Language: English
According to our latest records (as of May 2022), there are more than 7.37M companies registered in the United Kingdom. 41.4% of those operate in services and 14.26% in retail. 16.4% of all UK companies are based in London.

Database of Companies in France: Top Industries and Biggest Players
Language: English
According to our database (as of April 2022), more than 10.5M companies are registered in France. More than half of all companies operate in the services sector (36.26%) and finance, insurance, and real estate (28.4%). Paris is at the top of the list among cities with 7.5% of all companies registered there, followed by Marseille (1.5%), and Lyon (1%).

Database of Companies in Germany: Top Industries and Biggest Players
Language: English
According to our latest records (as of February 2022), there are more than 5.25M companies registered in Germany. Almost half of these companies operate in the service sector. More than half of all companies are registered in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, and Baden-Württemberg, while Berlin leads the chart among cities.

Impact of electromobility on the European automotive industry
Language: English
Strict emission regulations set by the EU are the driving force behind the increase in the number of electric vehicles produced in Europe. Manufacturers of components for combustion engines face the highest pressure.

Overview of the European Semiconductors Industry
Language: English
Germany has the highest number of companies producing semiconductors while the Dutch semiconductors manufacturers generate the highest sales. Top 3 European companies generate more than 60% of sales of the whole industry in Europe.

E-Commerce Insights: Europa in der Pandemie
Language: German
Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat sich vor allem positiv auf den Internetverkauf, d. h. den E-Commerce, ausgewirkt. In dieser Sektoranalyse werden wir den E-Commerce in Deutschland und seinen Nachbarländern - England, Niederlande, Belgien, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Schweiz, Österreich, Tschechische Republik, Polen und Dänemark - näher betrachten.

The Pandemic has helped European E-commerce Businesses - Germany is a clear leader
Language: English
We looked at Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Czechia, Poland, and Denmark to identify e-commerce companies with the highest growth.